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Oxypower 100pills

Oxypower 100pills



Vitamin B12 (Cyanocobalamin) 1,000 mcg

Vitamin B15 7.5 mg

Ecxipiente cbp 1 Tab



Stimulant of tissue oxygenation and cell metabolism, eliminating toxins and reducing fatigue and stress.



2 tablets per week during the period of training and preparation (care and care) of fighter birds.



·         Vitamin B12 increases the production of red blood cells and hemoglobin, therefore blood has a greater capacity for oxygen transport. On the other hand, Vitamin B15 acts at the cellular level making the tissues better capture oxygen from the blood.

·         By having greater oxygenation, the tissues can eliminate more quickly the toxins that are formed during the exercise of the animals.

·         Reduces side effects caused by stress.

·         By not having to inject, possible injuries caused at the injection site are avoided, such as irritations, bruises, damage to the nerves and muscles.

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    Products on Gallos Puerta Blanca are vitamin supplements. All product sales are final and may not be exchanged or returned. 

    . For more information, please reference our "Terms and Condition"

Gallos Puerta Blanca

Tijuana Baja California Norte 22100

©2020 By Gallos Puerta Blanca.

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